Program Descriptions
Achievement Award Recital: Public performance held at the end of the MTAC Fiscal year (June)
awarding students for their completion of repertoire from four different music periods. In order to be
eligible for an award, students must present a minimum of two (2) different period pieces, plus they must
have fulfilled four (4) period pieces requirements during the year (excluding CM and Branch Honors
pieces). Maximum time limit is 8 minutes. Trophies will be awarded to each qualified participant. (See
ʼAchievement Award Recitalʼ for more info.)
Bach/Baroque Festival: Branch competition held in March. Winds and Strings have different venues.
Public performances of students presenting any piece(s) by Bach or a Baroque composer within a 5
minute time limit. Adjudicators are present. Participants will receive certificates and trophies at the
Branch Festival. Regional Festival will be held in the late Spring for Branch winners. (Only works by J.S.
Bach are eligible for this competition.) Winners will receive medals. Complete Works Audition will be
held later in the Fall for those selected from the Regional Festival. (Repertoire pieces must be chosen
from the official cyclical list of Bachʼs work). Winners will receive medals at the Memorial Awards
Program. (See ʻBach/Baroque Festivalʼ for more info.)
Certificate of Merit™: Teachers register students online ( as well as by filling out student evaluation forms (online/written). CM database is open for registration on September 1st. State registration deadline is September 31st. Student fees due by October 5th. Registration fees vary per studentsʼ CM level.
Community Outreach Recital: Programs may vary, some of which may include volunteer work for the
community. (Dates may vary.) May include performances held at various community facilities. This
program allows students to receive credit for participating in community outreach through music and
interaction with the residents. Students may take part in a 60-75 minute concert program, depending on
the scheduled event. Due to limited space, only one piece is allowed per student. There is a maximum of
5 minutes per student performance. Students (Grades 6-12 only) will be given a verification letter of
community service upon the completion of the program. (See ʻCommunity Outreach Recitalʼ, page 34 for
more information.)
General Recital: Branch recitals scheduled throughout the year. Public performances of students presenting any piece(s) within 5-10 minute time limit.
Music Scholarship: Scholarship Award program for senior high school students aspiring to pursue music at an accredited U.S. music college with plans to acquire a bachelor's degree in music. There is also a non-music major category for students who will continue higher education after graduating high school. Applicants must meet the qualifications listed on the Diamond Bar Branch Music Scholarship Rules.
Spring Festival: Branch competition held in May. (Different instruments may have separate programs and/
or venues.) Public performances of students presenting any one (1) piece or multiple pieces if they are in the same collection (for example, different pieces within the same opus number), or one Sonata movement within 5-7 minute time limit. Adjudicators are present. (See ʻSpring Festivalʼ, for more info.)
Categories are determined by age:
Theme Recital: Public performances of students presenting any repertoire piece(s) based on a specific
theme decided by the Branch (i.e., Program Music). Piece(s) must not exceed 7 minutes.
VOCE (Vocalists, Orchestral Instruments, Chamber Music, Ensembles):
Winterfest: Branch competition held in November. (Instruments may have separate programs
and/or venues. Public performances of students presenting any one (1) piece (except by Bach) or one
Sonata movement within 5-7 minute time limit. Adjudicators are present. (See ʻWinterfestʼ, for more info.)
Categories are determined by age:
awarding students for their completion of repertoire from four different music periods. In order to be
eligible for an award, students must present a minimum of two (2) different period pieces, plus they must
have fulfilled four (4) period pieces requirements during the year (excluding CM and Branch Honors
pieces). Maximum time limit is 8 minutes. Trophies will be awarded to each qualified participant. (See
ʼAchievement Award Recitalʼ for more info.)
Bach/Baroque Festival: Branch competition held in March. Winds and Strings have different venues.
Public performances of students presenting any piece(s) by Bach or a Baroque composer within a 5
minute time limit. Adjudicators are present. Participants will receive certificates and trophies at the
Branch Festival. Regional Festival will be held in the late Spring for Branch winners. (Only works by J.S.
Bach are eligible for this competition.) Winners will receive medals. Complete Works Audition will be
held later in the Fall for those selected from the Regional Festival. (Repertoire pieces must be chosen
from the official cyclical list of Bachʼs work). Winners will receive medals at the Memorial Awards
Program. (See ʻBach/Baroque Festivalʼ for more info.)
Certificate of Merit™: Teachers register students online ( as well as by filling out student evaluation forms (online/written). CM database is open for registration on September 1st. State registration deadline is September 31st. Student fees due by October 5th. Registration fees vary per studentsʼ CM level.
Community Outreach Recital: Programs may vary, some of which may include volunteer work for the
community. (Dates may vary.) May include performances held at various community facilities. This
program allows students to receive credit for participating in community outreach through music and
interaction with the residents. Students may take part in a 60-75 minute concert program, depending on
the scheduled event. Due to limited space, only one piece is allowed per student. There is a maximum of
5 minutes per student performance. Students (Grades 6-12 only) will be given a verification letter of
community service upon the completion of the program. (See ʻCommunity Outreach Recitalʼ, page 34 for
more information.)
General Recital: Branch recitals scheduled throughout the year. Public performances of students presenting any piece(s) within 5-10 minute time limit.
Music Scholarship: Scholarship Award program for senior high school students aspiring to pursue music at an accredited U.S. music college with plans to acquire a bachelor's degree in music. There is also a non-music major category for students who will continue higher education after graduating high school. Applicants must meet the qualifications listed on the Diamond Bar Branch Music Scholarship Rules.
Spring Festival: Branch competition held in May. (Different instruments may have separate programs and/
or venues.) Public performances of students presenting any one (1) piece or multiple pieces if they are in the same collection (for example, different pieces within the same opus number), or one Sonata movement within 5-7 minute time limit. Adjudicators are present. (See ʻSpring Festivalʼ, for more info.)
Categories are determined by age:
- Category I: 5-7 Years Old
- Category II: 8-9 Years Old
- Category III: 10-11 Years Old
- Category IV: 12-13 Years Old
- Category V: 14-15 Years Old
- Category VI: 16-18 Years Old
- Category VII: Adults
Theme Recital: Public performances of students presenting any repertoire piece(s) based on a specific
theme decided by the Branch (i.e., Program Music). Piece(s) must not exceed 7 minutes.
VOCE (Vocalists, Orchestral Instruments, Chamber Music, Ensembles):
- Regional Competitions: Students first perform in Regional Competitions. A non-competitive format is available for students who are not quite ready for competition, allowing them to perform for judges’ comments without the pressure of competing to move onto the State Finals Competition. A non-competitive format is available for students who are not quite ready for competition, allowing them to perform for judges’ comments without being judged against other students.
- State Finals: First place winners of Regional Competitions advance to State Finals. Registration fees are non-refundable.
- Winners Recital: First place winners of State Finals perform at the State Convention in order to receive their cash awards and plaques.
Winterfest: Branch competition held in November. (Instruments may have separate programs
and/or venues. Public performances of students presenting any one (1) piece (except by Bach) or one
Sonata movement within 5-7 minute time limit. Adjudicators are present. (See ʻWinterfestʼ, for more info.)
Categories are determined by age:
- Category I: 5-7 Years Old
- Category II: 8-9 Years Old
- Category III: 10-11 Years Old
- Category IV: 12-13 Years Old
- Category V: 14-15 Years Old
- Category VI: 16-18 Years Old
- Category VII: Adults