1. Performersʼ Guidelines
2. Other Guidelines
1. Performersʼ Guidelines
- Performers should arrive at least 20 minutes prior to the beginning of the program, and should be seated in his or her designated seating area, not with parents or family members.
- Performers are to remain seated until the end of the program. They may leave and enter the room only when there is no performance.
- Performers should dress appropriately for the performance, according to the branch Dress Code Rules. See "Dress Code" page for specific details.
- All pieces MUST BE MEMORIZED, including instrumental (non-piano) solo pieces with the exception of winds and keyboard-ensemble pieces (e.g., duets or two-piano).
- No Xerox copies will be allowed under any circumstances. (This includes Accompanist's music.)
2. Other Guidelines
- NO talking or visiting with friends allowed during the performance.
- NO flash photography is allowed. Videotaping is only allowed from the back of the room.
- All cell phones must be turned off or set to silent mode during the entire performance so as not to disturb the performers.
- Absolutely NO FOOD is allowed in the Recital Hall.
- Students (performers) are expected to remain for the duration of the recital and unless of emergency (and with notice of Chair), that student cannot leave early.