In order to be considered a “Member in Good Standing” teachers must adhere to the following guidelines. If a teacher fails to fulfill these requirements, then he or she is NOT considered a “Member in Good Standing” and therefore is not eligible to participate in Branch programs the following year.
1. Membership is divided into seven (7) classes: Active Teacher member, Provisional member, Cal Plan member,
Business Affiliate member, Student member, Life Member, and Honorary Life Member.
a) Of the six (6) classes: Active Teacher, Provisional, Business Affiliate, Student and Collegiate
b) Life Membership and Honorary Life Membership pertain only to the State. Membership all pertain to
the Branch.
2. Prospective members (New & Transfer) must attend a regular meeting of the Diamond Bar Branch in
order to finalize approval of membership by the Branch Board of Directors. Final approval for new and
transfer members is by the Branch board vote upon reviewing the prospective memberʼs State-
approved application.
3.Applicants are accepted for Active Membership only once. A subsequent application must be in the
form of reinstatement.
4. Active Membership shall be granted to qualified music teachers who have a Bachelor degree from an
accredited institution, or the equivalent thereof, indicating a major or concentration in the instrument
they teach, and who are actively engaged in the profession of teaching music with a minimum of two
years of music teaching experience.
5. A music school may become a Business Affiliate Member. Individual faculty members wishing to
participate in MTAC programs must each apply and be accepted for individual MTAC membership.
6. Business Affiliate Members may join multiple branches by paying Branch Dues for each branch, plus
a yearly flat rate of $110 to the State. They would be listed in the State Directory under each branch.
7. Provisional Members are required to provide yearly verification of progress toward their goal of
Active Membership to the State Office.
a) Provisional Members who use CalPlan exams to satisfy the requirement for active status may take
CalPlan proficiency exams and pay for each exam as needed, without joining as a CalPlan enrollee.
b) Provisional Membersʼ study of academic subjects with a private teacher shall be accepted as credit
toward MTAC membership upon successful completion of CalPlan proficiency exams to demonstrate
c) Students of CalPlan enrollees are eligible for CM branch evaluations, but are ineligible for convention
8. Student Membership is granted to undergraduate or graduate students who are currently enrolled
and working on a Bachelor (or higher) music degree and who do not yet qualify for Active Teacher
a) Once a Student Member meets the qualifications required for Active Teacher Membership, he or she
may no longer continue as a Student Member.
b) Student applicants are required to submit transcripts that document their curricula in music, or as
freshmen, a letter from their college music advisor that verifies their program of study. Student
members shall provide yearly verification of academic registration to the State Office and progress
toward active membership showing that at least two music classes have been completed. Student
Membership must be completed within eight years.
9. All transfers, reinstatements, and applications to a branch of the MTAC are subject to Branch
approval. The branch approval process must be ethical and non-discriminatory. To the extent that the
branchʼs approval process exhibits non-ethical or discriminatory behavior, the State Board has the
power to (a) compel the branch to revise their approval process and/or (b) approve the transfer,
reinstatement, or application to the branch.
1. To be eligible for Certificate of Merit participation all New & Renewal membership applications and
Reinstatement requests must be accurately completed and submitted to the State Office, postmarked
on or before July 31st."
2. To be eligible for all other State Programs, new membership applications and reinstatement requests
must be accurately completed and submitted to the State Office, postmarked on or before December
3. The open door period for all branch teacher transfer requests is April 16th to August 31st. To receive
approval, all Branch transfers must now be requested between the period of April 16th to August 31st.
This allows the State Office adequate time to move the CM students in the database to the new Branch
of their teacherʼs choice prior to the opening of CM registration. Any member wishing to make a
Branch transfer request will be unable to do so between September 1st and April 15th because this is
the active period for Certificate of Merit.
4. Only individual members in good standing may enroll students in MTAC programs, and these students
must be their own students.
5. a) Members may enroll CM students through the branch in which they hold their primary membership.
b) Contributory Members may not enter CM students through their Contributory Branch.
6. Active, Provisional, and Student Teacher Members may enroll students in State programs only within
their approved discipline and only in the instrument(s) listed in the State Directory.
7. A teacher is eligible to present his/her student in recitals or festivals (including CM) ONLY if that
student has studied with that teacher for a minimum of SIX (6) months prior to that event.
C. ATTENDANCE POLICY (revised 05/24)
1. *Members must fulfill their yearly attendance requirements by attending TWO (2) branch meetings
and participating in TWO (2) branch programs. Furthermore, members must physically
attend and help with at least one (1) of the aforementioned two (2) participations.
a) In the event that a member is unable to to fulfill the requirement of any or all of the two (2)
participations of his/her students in the branch programs, the member will be allowed to
substitute this attendance requirement with his or her individual attendance of branch programs,
provided that he or she will be available to assist the program chair in any tasks asked of them on
the day of the program.
b) Should a member elect to attend Branch programs in lieu of student participation in Branch
programs, he or she must fulfill a total of two (2) attended program events in order to
maintain his or her status as a Member in Good Standing. Each member must still maintain the
attendance requirement of two (2) branch meetings per year.
*NOTE: This rule applies to all members regardless of member category, with the exception of the
following members who are classified as exempt from fulfilling the Attendance Requirements:
(1) New Active or Student members** who are State-approved into the Branch during the present Fiscal
year (between August 1st to July 31st).
a) At the end of the present Fiscal year (July 31st), new members will no longer be considered exempt.
b) New members must fulfill all of the requirements in the Attendance Policy once the subsequent
Fiscal year begins (August 1st).
(2) Active or Student members** whose work or school schedule conflicts with the Branch meeting
and/or program times.
a) Members with work conflicts must provide to the Branch a written statement or a legal document
verifying the conflict between employment hours and Branch Meeting and/or Program times.
b) Student members must provide to the Branch their school schedules verifying the conflict between
the school hours and Branch Meeting and/or Program times.
*NOTE: All members who meet the above qualifications are classified as exempt and are therefore not
required to fulfill the Attendance Policy. However, all members, including those exempted from the
Attendance Policy, are strongly encouraged to attend and participate in as many branch meetings and
program events as possible, in order to promote teacher involvement in Branch Meetings/Events and to
gain more experience in the Branch as a whole.
2. In order to verify his or her attendance, teachers must sign the attendance roster at each attended
meeting or program.
3. Visitors may attend the General Meeting only by invitation and with the pre-approval of the President
and/or Board of Directors. Visitors are not eligible to attend Board Meetings.
4. Attendance must be for the entire meeting or program in order to obtain full credit.
a) 1 CREDIT will be received for attendance of each of the following activities: Board/General Meetings;
Branch Program Events (see below for a complete list)
b) 2 CREDITS will be received for attendance of the annual MTAC State Convention.
c) The following list of events constitutes as official Branch Program Events and can therefore be
counted towards the fulfillment of the three (3) required attendance of or participation of students in
Branch program events:
General Recitals, Winterfest, General/Theme Recitals, VOCE, Bach Festival, Masterclasses (of any
discipline), Certificate of Merit, Achievement Award Recital, Springfest, MTAC State Conventions,
Community Outreach Recitals, Future Program Events (newly-approved by Branch), Teacher
The Attendance Clerk will keep a record of each memberʼs attendance based on the signed attendance
a) Members can verify their attendance status by contacting the Attendance Clerk.
b) The updated membersʼ roster will be posted online in January and in June of each fiscal year.
5. Members will be notified by the Attendance clerk if they have not fulfilled the required attendance
policy and are therefore not eligible to participate in upcoming Branch programs. It is at the Boardʼs
discretion in handling any unresolved issues regarding the Attendance status of members. Depending
on the circumstance, the Board may discuss and determine an appropriate resolution pending each
individual case.
1. Each new applicant shall pay a non-refundable State Association Application fee, Student
members excepted, until they apply for Active Membership.
2. New member dues postmarked on or before February 28th apply to the current fiscal year. Dues
postmarked after that date cover the subsequent fiscal year and include membership for the remainder
of the current fiscal year.
3. Dues advanced by an applicant for membership shall be returned immediately if the application is
1. Each member shall pay State Association and Branch dues annually to the State Office.
2. Membership dues must be sent to the State Office, and postmarked on or before July 31st.
3. Membership dues are due upon receipt of invoice and must be postmarked no later than July 31st in
order to have membership listed in the State Directory. Membership dues not postmarked by July
31st result in forfeiture of membership.
4. Members must pay a reinstatement fee to restore their membership if the dues are postmarked after
July 31st.
5. Annual State Dues and Fees for 2016-2017 are:
a) Active, Provisional, and Business Affiliate Members- $106
b) Business Affiliate Members with multiple branch memberships- $120
c) Active Members over age 70, who request reduction- $53
d) Student Members- $50
e) Active Members over age 80, who request the reduction and have 10 years Active Membership-$0
f) Reinstatement fee- $40
g) Non-refundable application fee- $40
h) Provisional extension fee- $70
i) CalPlan Member- $106
6. Annual Branch Dues for 2016-2017 are:
a) Active, Provisional, and Business Affiliate Members- $32
b) Student members- $17
c) Active Members over age 70, who request reduction-$17
d) Active Members over age 80, who request the reduction and have 10 years Active Membership-$0
e) CalPlan enrollees- $17
f) Reinstatement fee- $17
1. The Officers and Directors shall serve on the Board for two years and until their successors are elected.
Term of office begins August 1st of the election year.
a) No member shall hold more than one office at a time.
b) No member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
c) Exception may be made for the office of Treasurer and Membership Secretary, who may be re-elected
for one additional term.
2. All officers and directors shall maintain a description of their duties and a notebook with pertinent
information about handling that office to be given to incoming officers and directors.
a) All retiring officers shall, within thirty (30) days of leaving office, transfer all records, books, funds,
and other pertinent material of said office to their successor. To properly complete the transfer of
records, an Official Transfer of Records form is required and must contain signatures from both
officers, having read and acknowledged the terms listed on the form.
b) Retiring officers shall assist incoming officers of said office by providing any additional information or
assistance pertaining to the handling of the office should the need arise or upon the acting officerʼs
3. The Duties of the Officers are listed separately below:
A. President shall be the principal officer of the Branch and shall, subject to the control of
the Board of Directors, have general supervision, direction and control of the business,
activities, and officers of the Branch. The President shall:
1) preside at all the Board and Branch meetings
2) open and close the meeting at the appointed times
3) protect the Board and Branch meetings from obviously frivolous or dilatory motions by refusing to
recognize them
4) enforce the rules relating to debate, order and decorum
5) recognize members who are entitled to the floor
6) be familiar with the current Branch Bylaws and Standing rules
7) cosign all checks written by the Treasurer
8) have the power to appoint all committees (with the advice & consent of Branch Board)
9) be an ex-officio member of all Standing Committees except Nominating Committee
10) notify officers, committee members, and delegates of their election of appointment and furnish
committees with whatever documents are required for the performance of their duties
11) be available to be a delegate at the MTAC State Convention or appoint a representative, usually
the Vice President
12) ask to be replaced by a Vice President or Treasurer or appoint a President pro term if he/she finds
it necessary to temporarily vacate the chair
13) submit an annual Presidentʼs Report and current List of Officers to State by June 2nd
14) have general powers and duties as may be prescribed by Branch Board of Directors, or the Bylaws
B. Vice President shall in the absence or disability of the President:
1) perform all the duties of the President in the President's absence
2) automatically become President for the unexpired term in the event of the President's inability to
3) be the logical but not the predetermined nominee for the next President
4) be responsible for securing Branch Programs
a. provide Branch Program chairs with a document that lists the necessary tasks required of their
assigned program
b. notify President of any issues or updates regarding Branch programs or Program chairs
5) serve as time-keeper at Board meetings in order to follow the President's agenda
6) have such other powers and perform such duties as from time to time may be prescribed by
Branch Board of Directors, or the Bylaws
C. Treasurer shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and
correct accounts of the properties and business transactions of the Branch. The Treasurer
1) be cognizant of performing the Treasurerʼs procedures as stated in the State Treasurerʼs Handbook
2) be entrusted with the custody of the Branch's funds
3) be responsible for writing and sending checks in a timely manner
4) maintain a ledger of the Branch moneys and expenses
5) present a Treasurer's report at every Board/General meeting and at the Annual Branch meeting in
6) with the President's co-signature, be empowered to disburse funds
7) receive all Branch funds and deposit them in the Branch account
8) submit a Financial End of the Year Report (signed by both Treasurer and President) to the State
Office by August 15th
9) submit a check payment for the Branchʼs Total CM Registration Fees to State Office by December
10) submit a Branch Dues information Report to the State by March 3rd
11) submit copies of all reports to Secretary for records
12) work with the Board during the time the Branch undergoes an audit, and be available to perform
the tasks prescribed by the Board in order to complete the necessary procedures required to
conduct the audit
13) have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of
Directors, or the Bylaws
D. Secretary shall:
1) send notices to the Board of all upcoming meetings
2) be responsible for disseminating the bi-monthly Branch Newsletter by email; collect reports and
announcements from Officers and Program Chairs to be assembled in the Branch newsletter
3) conduct the general correspondence of the organization
4) develop a database of membership with name, street/city/zip, email addresses, plus Branch jobs
5) keep a record with dates of all the proceedings (the minutes) of the organization and keep on file
all Officer, Chair, and Committee reports
6) maintain and have at the Board meetings a Permanent Record Book containing Branch Bylaws,
Standing rules, minutes, directory and teacher handbook including any amendments to the above
7) make the minutes available to members upon request and deliver report of missed meeting to the
Board member
8) provide a copy of the minutes and all Reports from Program Chairs and Officers to the President
9) collect and file copies of all Branch programs and submit separate copies of the programs to State
representative for the ASCAP program
10) have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of
Directors, or the Bylaws
E. Membership Secretary shall be responsible for receiving and handling all membership
Applications first reviewed and approved by the State Office. The Membership Secretary
1) be cognizant of performing the Membership Secretary procedures as stated in the Branch
Membership Secretary Reference Guide
2) handle inquiries from prospective MTAC applicants
3) provide to the Board background information of all prospective members prior to the prospective
memberʼs initial visit or attendance of a Branch meeting
4) provide status and updated contact information of members to the Secretary
5) provide a current Branch directory to any incoming new or transfer members
6) assist any incoming new or transfer members with any questions regarding Branch policies and
7) submit a Branch Membership List Update to the State by April 1st
F. Director - Board substitutes shall:
1) be responsible for filling in and finding substitutes for any vacant Board member except for
President and Treasurer
2) help any Board member needing assistance
3) past President may be invited to become a Director
4) have served on the Board for at least two (2) years
1. Branch Program Chairmanships shall include:
Attendance, Achievement Award, Bach Festival, Certificate of Merit, Community Outreach, General
Recitals (each Recital has its own a Chair): October and January, Masterclass (Piano), Masterclass
(Strings), Spring Festival, Teacher Luncheons (each assigned individual Chairs): Xmas & End of
Year, Theme Recital, VOCE, Winterfest
2. Branch Program Chairs are appointed by the President to two-year terms. The term may be extended
on final year, at the discretion of the Branch Board. To ensure that terms of service start in the even-
numbered years, the following will apply:
a) If a program chair position is changed during the first year of the two-year term, the new chairʼs
time will count from the beginning of the term.,
b) If the chair is replaced during the second year of the term, that year shall not count as part of the
new chairʼs two-year term, since he or she is serving out of the previous chairʼs term.
1. The Chair is to carry out the program according to the Branch Program Guidelines. The Chair is not
allowed additions or amendments of the Guidelines without the President's or Board's approval.
2. The Chair has the authority to reject the applications that do not comply with the program Guidelines
and is not obligated to handle special scheduling needs requested by the teacher (with the exception
of siblings). Chair may comply at his/her own discretion, paying strict attention to program times.
3. If the programs exceed the maximum time allowed due to a large number of applicants, the Chair
has the right to filter the applications by the number of participants per teacher (maximum of 8
students per teacher) and also by the date when the applications were received.
4. The Chair is responsible for the individual student event chair's efficacy. In addition, the Chair will
provide a report at each Board and General Meeting on student event progress, success and/or
5. CM Co-Chair shall assist the CM Chair in order to assume the Chair's duties when needed and be able
to supply necessary CM information to the Board in the Chair's absence.
6. Since the Branch programs are the Diamond Bar Branch events, they should be run by only the
teacher members of the Diamond Bar Branch, not other personnel.
7. The Chair can appoint an Assistant Chair to help with the Chairʼs tasks.
8. Submit the following to the Secretary by the newsletter deadline (usually 1 month prior to
publication): Date of program, application deadline, fees, and rules.
9. Send email reminders to all Branch Members 11/2 months prior to the event of the program as well
as application deadlines.
10. Confirm and update the Vice-President regarding detailed information of the scheduled program at
least two (2) weeks prior to the event.
1. The Special Committees shall include:
Bylaws and Standing Rules (Operations & Procedures)
CM Committee
Any other committees deemed necessary by the Branch President with the approval of the Branch
Board of Directors
2. The President, with the approval of the Branch Board of Directors, shall establish committees to meet
the needs of the Branch.
a) The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee.
b) Such Committees cease to exist when their task is completed.
3. The Board of Directors shall prescribe duties of the Special Committee.
1. Nominating Committee shall be comprised of three Active Members including one past President. The
members of the Board of Directors cannot be the Nominating Committee.
2. A Nominating Committee member cannot be placed on the slate.
3. The Nominating Committee shall refer to Article IV (Board of Directors), Section 2 of the Branch
Bylaws and shall follow the correct procedures in their selection of the slate.
1. Any Branch teacher attending convention events must register.
2. All recitals and events are free for students through high school age and their non-MTAC member
relatives, with the exception of the Monday Night Artist Concert.
3. The Monday Night Artist Concert tickets, for those not registered, will be available at the convention
registration desk and at the door. The tickets are:
a) Adult - $25
b) College students and seniors - $15
c) High school and younger - free
4. The VOCE Recital, the Solo and Concerto Competitions, the Young Artist Guild Recital, the Young
Composers Guild Recital, and the Friends of Todayʼs Music Recital are open to the public without
1. In accordance with Article VII (Annual Meeting), Section 2, ʻEach Branch shall have representation at
the Annual Meeting of the Association by the official delegates, one delegate for each 25 (or fraction
thereof) Active Teacher members whose dues are current. Voting at the business meeting shall be by
delegate vote only. Any other Active Teacher member who dues are current may have a voice in the
discussions of the Association.
2. Delegates are required to attend as, representatives of the Branch, the Delegateʼs Meeting and the
Annual Business Meeting at the Convention, in order to properly participate in the delegateʼs voting.
3. Delegates are expected to attend an adequate amount of events held at convention (i.e.; lectures,
recitals, showcases, meetings, etc.) in order to provide a detailed report to the Branch Board and
General Members at the September meeting.
4. Delegates will provide a written report to the Board of Directors, no later than the September
meeting, and shall also submit a report to the Branch Secretary to compile in the Branch newsletter.
1. The Acting President will receive one full Convention Registration and an Awards banquet ticket, paid
for by the Branch. In addition, the President and CM Chair will also receive a Convention hotel allowance of
$250.00 and travel allowance of $150.00. The complimentary registration fee and allowances will be shared
equally in the case both Co-Chairs attend the Convention.
2. The Branch delegate will receive one full complimentary convention registration. The complimentary
registration fee (paid by the Branch) will be shared equally.
3. The acting Certificate of Merit Chair will receive a compensation of $2.00 per student registered (as
of October 31st) in the CM program. The Board of Directors shall prescribe specific procedures and
details regarding the disbursement of compensation fees towards the CM Chair.
1. If the Branch and/or members of the Branch report grievance issues to the State Board of Directors,
they are advised to follow these steps carefully:
a) Branches and/or members should make every effort to resolve grievances at the Branch level.
b) Branches may present a formal letter of complaint to the State Board of Directors, accompanied by
the affidavit documentation.
c) Grievance issues must be carefully documented and dated. Such documentation must be notarized
and be as specific as possible.
d) The State Board of Directors will proceed to comply with steps #4 and #5 of Section G (Grievance
Procedures) as listed in the “MTAC Organization Standing Rules and Operations.”
1. Expenditures to be reimbursed to any Branch member without prior approval of the Board with
receipt/invoice attached.
2. Receipts are reimbursable up to 90 days, with the exception of the end of the fiscal year.
1. These Standing Rules may be rewritten by the Board provided a notice of the changes be sent to the
Branch membership seven (7) days prior to the next Branch meeting and changes accepted by
majority of members at that meeting.
2. All other Standing Rules of the MTAC By-laws shall be applied to the Diamond Bar Branch Standing
In order to be considered a “Member in Good Standing” teachers must adhere to the following guidelines. If a teacher fails to fulfill these requirements, then he or she is NOT considered a “Member in Good Standing” and therefore is not eligible to participate in Branch programs the following year.
1. Membership is divided into seven (7) classes: Active Teacher member, Provisional member, Cal Plan member,
Business Affiliate member, Student member, Life Member, and Honorary Life Member.
a) Of the six (6) classes: Active Teacher, Provisional, Business Affiliate, Student and Collegiate
b) Life Membership and Honorary Life Membership pertain only to the State. Membership all pertain to
the Branch.
2. Prospective members (New & Transfer) must attend a regular meeting of the Diamond Bar Branch in
order to finalize approval of membership by the Branch Board of Directors. Final approval for new and
transfer members is by the Branch board vote upon reviewing the prospective memberʼs State-
approved application.
3.Applicants are accepted for Active Membership only once. A subsequent application must be in the
form of reinstatement.
4. Active Membership shall be granted to qualified music teachers who have a Bachelor degree from an
accredited institution, or the equivalent thereof, indicating a major or concentration in the instrument
they teach, and who are actively engaged in the profession of teaching music with a minimum of two
years of music teaching experience.
5. A music school may become a Business Affiliate Member. Individual faculty members wishing to
participate in MTAC programs must each apply and be accepted for individual MTAC membership.
6. Business Affiliate Members may join multiple branches by paying Branch Dues for each branch, plus
a yearly flat rate of $110 to the State. They would be listed in the State Directory under each branch.
7. Provisional Members are required to provide yearly verification of progress toward their goal of
Active Membership to the State Office.
a) Provisional Members who use CalPlan exams to satisfy the requirement for active status may take
CalPlan proficiency exams and pay for each exam as needed, without joining as a CalPlan enrollee.
b) Provisional Membersʼ study of academic subjects with a private teacher shall be accepted as credit
toward MTAC membership upon successful completion of CalPlan proficiency exams to demonstrate
c) Students of CalPlan enrollees are eligible for CM branch evaluations, but are ineligible for convention
8. Student Membership is granted to undergraduate or graduate students who are currently enrolled
and working on a Bachelor (or higher) music degree and who do not yet qualify for Active Teacher
a) Once a Student Member meets the qualifications required for Active Teacher Membership, he or she
may no longer continue as a Student Member.
b) Student applicants are required to submit transcripts that document their curricula in music, or as
freshmen, a letter from their college music advisor that verifies their program of study. Student
members shall provide yearly verification of academic registration to the State Office and progress
toward active membership showing that at least two music classes have been completed. Student
Membership must be completed within eight years.
9. All transfers, reinstatements, and applications to a branch of the MTAC are subject to Branch
approval. The branch approval process must be ethical and non-discriminatory. To the extent that the
branchʼs approval process exhibits non-ethical or discriminatory behavior, the State Board has the
power to (a) compel the branch to revise their approval process and/or (b) approve the transfer,
reinstatement, or application to the branch.
1. To be eligible for Certificate of Merit participation all New & Renewal membership applications and
Reinstatement requests must be accurately completed and submitted to the State Office, postmarked
on or before July 31st."
2. To be eligible for all other State Programs, new membership applications and reinstatement requests
must be accurately completed and submitted to the State Office, postmarked on or before December
3. The open door period for all branch teacher transfer requests is April 16th to August 31st. To receive
approval, all Branch transfers must now be requested between the period of April 16th to August 31st.
This allows the State Office adequate time to move the CM students in the database to the new Branch
of their teacherʼs choice prior to the opening of CM registration. Any member wishing to make a
Branch transfer request will be unable to do so between September 1st and April 15th because this is
the active period for Certificate of Merit.
4. Only individual members in good standing may enroll students in MTAC programs, and these students
must be their own students.
5. a) Members may enroll CM students through the branch in which they hold their primary membership.
b) Contributory Members may not enter CM students through their Contributory Branch.
6. Active, Provisional, and Student Teacher Members may enroll students in State programs only within
their approved discipline and only in the instrument(s) listed in the State Directory.
7. A teacher is eligible to present his/her student in recitals or festivals (including CM) ONLY if that
student has studied with that teacher for a minimum of SIX (6) months prior to that event.
C. ATTENDANCE POLICY (revised 05/24)
1. *Members must fulfill their yearly attendance requirements by attending TWO (2) branch meetings
and participating in TWO (2) branch programs. Furthermore, members must physically
attend and help with at least one (1) of the aforementioned two (2) participations.
a) In the event that a member is unable to to fulfill the requirement of any or all of the two (2)
participations of his/her students in the branch programs, the member will be allowed to
substitute this attendance requirement with his or her individual attendance of branch programs,
provided that he or she will be available to assist the program chair in any tasks asked of them on
the day of the program.
b) Should a member elect to attend Branch programs in lieu of student participation in Branch
programs, he or she must fulfill a total of two (2) attended program events in order to
maintain his or her status as a Member in Good Standing. Each member must still maintain the
attendance requirement of two (2) branch meetings per year.
*NOTE: This rule applies to all members regardless of member category, with the exception of the
following members who are classified as exempt from fulfilling the Attendance Requirements:
(1) New Active or Student members** who are State-approved into the Branch during the present Fiscal
year (between August 1st to July 31st).
a) At the end of the present Fiscal year (July 31st), new members will no longer be considered exempt.
b) New members must fulfill all of the requirements in the Attendance Policy once the subsequent
Fiscal year begins (August 1st).
(2) Active or Student members** whose work or school schedule conflicts with the Branch meeting
and/or program times.
a) Members with work conflicts must provide to the Branch a written statement or a legal document
verifying the conflict between employment hours and Branch Meeting and/or Program times.
b) Student members must provide to the Branch their school schedules verifying the conflict between
the school hours and Branch Meeting and/or Program times.
*NOTE: All members who meet the above qualifications are classified as exempt and are therefore not
required to fulfill the Attendance Policy. However, all members, including those exempted from the
Attendance Policy, are strongly encouraged to attend and participate in as many branch meetings and
program events as possible, in order to promote teacher involvement in Branch Meetings/Events and to
gain more experience in the Branch as a whole.
2. In order to verify his or her attendance, teachers must sign the attendance roster at each attended
meeting or program.
3. Visitors may attend the General Meeting only by invitation and with the pre-approval of the President
and/or Board of Directors. Visitors are not eligible to attend Board Meetings.
4. Attendance must be for the entire meeting or program in order to obtain full credit.
a) 1 CREDIT will be received for attendance of each of the following activities: Board/General Meetings;
Branch Program Events (see below for a complete list)
b) 2 CREDITS will be received for attendance of the annual MTAC State Convention.
c) The following list of events constitutes as official Branch Program Events and can therefore be
counted towards the fulfillment of the three (3) required attendance of or participation of students in
Branch program events:
General Recitals, Winterfest, General/Theme Recitals, VOCE, Bach Festival, Masterclasses (of any
discipline), Certificate of Merit, Achievement Award Recital, Springfest, MTAC State Conventions,
Community Outreach Recitals, Future Program Events (newly-approved by Branch), Teacher
The Attendance Clerk will keep a record of each memberʼs attendance based on the signed attendance
a) Members can verify their attendance status by contacting the Attendance Clerk.
b) The updated membersʼ roster will be posted online in January and in June of each fiscal year.
5. Members will be notified by the Attendance clerk if they have not fulfilled the required attendance
policy and are therefore not eligible to participate in upcoming Branch programs. It is at the Boardʼs
discretion in handling any unresolved issues regarding the Attendance status of members. Depending
on the circumstance, the Board may discuss and determine an appropriate resolution pending each
individual case.
1. Each new applicant shall pay a non-refundable State Association Application fee, Student
members excepted, until they apply for Active Membership.
2. New member dues postmarked on or before February 28th apply to the current fiscal year. Dues
postmarked after that date cover the subsequent fiscal year and include membership for the remainder
of the current fiscal year.
3. Dues advanced by an applicant for membership shall be returned immediately if the application is
1. Each member shall pay State Association and Branch dues annually to the State Office.
2. Membership dues must be sent to the State Office, and postmarked on or before July 31st.
3. Membership dues are due upon receipt of invoice and must be postmarked no later than July 31st in
order to have membership listed in the State Directory. Membership dues not postmarked by July
31st result in forfeiture of membership.
4. Members must pay a reinstatement fee to restore their membership if the dues are postmarked after
July 31st.
5. Annual State Dues and Fees for 2016-2017 are:
a) Active, Provisional, and Business Affiliate Members- $106
b) Business Affiliate Members with multiple branch memberships- $120
c) Active Members over age 70, who request reduction- $53
d) Student Members- $50
e) Active Members over age 80, who request the reduction and have 10 years Active Membership-$0
f) Reinstatement fee- $40
g) Non-refundable application fee- $40
h) Provisional extension fee- $70
i) CalPlan Member- $106
6. Annual Branch Dues for 2016-2017 are:
a) Active, Provisional, and Business Affiliate Members- $32
b) Student members- $17
c) Active Members over age 70, who request reduction-$17
d) Active Members over age 80, who request the reduction and have 10 years Active Membership-$0
e) CalPlan enrollees- $17
f) Reinstatement fee- $17
1. The Officers and Directors shall serve on the Board for two years and until their successors are elected.
Term of office begins August 1st of the election year.
a) No member shall hold more than one office at a time.
b) No member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
c) Exception may be made for the office of Treasurer and Membership Secretary, who may be re-elected
for one additional term.
2. All officers and directors shall maintain a description of their duties and a notebook with pertinent
information about handling that office to be given to incoming officers and directors.
a) All retiring officers shall, within thirty (30) days of leaving office, transfer all records, books, funds,
and other pertinent material of said office to their successor. To properly complete the transfer of
records, an Official Transfer of Records form is required and must contain signatures from both
officers, having read and acknowledged the terms listed on the form.
b) Retiring officers shall assist incoming officers of said office by providing any additional information or
assistance pertaining to the handling of the office should the need arise or upon the acting officerʼs
3. The Duties of the Officers are listed separately below:
A. President shall be the principal officer of the Branch and shall, subject to the control of
the Board of Directors, have general supervision, direction and control of the business,
activities, and officers of the Branch. The President shall:
1) preside at all the Board and Branch meetings
2) open and close the meeting at the appointed times
3) protect the Board and Branch meetings from obviously frivolous or dilatory motions by refusing to
recognize them
4) enforce the rules relating to debate, order and decorum
5) recognize members who are entitled to the floor
6) be familiar with the current Branch Bylaws and Standing rules
7) cosign all checks written by the Treasurer
8) have the power to appoint all committees (with the advice & consent of Branch Board)
9) be an ex-officio member of all Standing Committees except Nominating Committee
10) notify officers, committee members, and delegates of their election of appointment and furnish
committees with whatever documents are required for the performance of their duties
11) be available to be a delegate at the MTAC State Convention or appoint a representative, usually
the Vice President
12) ask to be replaced by a Vice President or Treasurer or appoint a President pro term if he/she finds
it necessary to temporarily vacate the chair
13) submit an annual Presidentʼs Report and current List of Officers to State by June 2nd
14) have general powers and duties as may be prescribed by Branch Board of Directors, or the Bylaws
B. Vice President shall in the absence or disability of the President:
1) perform all the duties of the President in the President's absence
2) automatically become President for the unexpired term in the event of the President's inability to
3) be the logical but not the predetermined nominee for the next President
4) be responsible for securing Branch Programs
a. provide Branch Program chairs with a document that lists the necessary tasks required of their
assigned program
b. notify President of any issues or updates regarding Branch programs or Program chairs
5) serve as time-keeper at Board meetings in order to follow the President's agenda
6) have such other powers and perform such duties as from time to time may be prescribed by
Branch Board of Directors, or the Bylaws
C. Treasurer shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and
correct accounts of the properties and business transactions of the Branch. The Treasurer
1) be cognizant of performing the Treasurerʼs procedures as stated in the State Treasurerʼs Handbook
2) be entrusted with the custody of the Branch's funds
3) be responsible for writing and sending checks in a timely manner
4) maintain a ledger of the Branch moneys and expenses
5) present a Treasurer's report at every Board/General meeting and at the Annual Branch meeting in
6) with the President's co-signature, be empowered to disburse funds
7) receive all Branch funds and deposit them in the Branch account
8) submit a Financial End of the Year Report (signed by both Treasurer and President) to the State
Office by August 15th
9) submit a check payment for the Branchʼs Total CM Registration Fees to State Office by December
10) submit a Branch Dues information Report to the State by March 3rd
11) submit copies of all reports to Secretary for records
12) work with the Board during the time the Branch undergoes an audit, and be available to perform
the tasks prescribed by the Board in order to complete the necessary procedures required to
conduct the audit
13) have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of
Directors, or the Bylaws
D. Secretary shall:
1) send notices to the Board of all upcoming meetings
2) be responsible for disseminating the bi-monthly Branch Newsletter by email; collect reports and
announcements from Officers and Program Chairs to be assembled in the Branch newsletter
3) conduct the general correspondence of the organization
4) develop a database of membership with name, street/city/zip, email addresses, plus Branch jobs
5) keep a record with dates of all the proceedings (the minutes) of the organization and keep on file
all Officer, Chair, and Committee reports
6) maintain and have at the Board meetings a Permanent Record Book containing Branch Bylaws,
Standing rules, minutes, directory and teacher handbook including any amendments to the above
7) make the minutes available to members upon request and deliver report of missed meeting to the
Board member
8) provide a copy of the minutes and all Reports from Program Chairs and Officers to the President
9) collect and file copies of all Branch programs and submit separate copies of the programs to State
representative for the ASCAP program
10) have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of
Directors, or the Bylaws
E. Membership Secretary shall be responsible for receiving and handling all membership
Applications first reviewed and approved by the State Office. The Membership Secretary
1) be cognizant of performing the Membership Secretary procedures as stated in the Branch
Membership Secretary Reference Guide
2) handle inquiries from prospective MTAC applicants
3) provide to the Board background information of all prospective members prior to the prospective
memberʼs initial visit or attendance of a Branch meeting
4) provide status and updated contact information of members to the Secretary
5) provide a current Branch directory to any incoming new or transfer members
6) assist any incoming new or transfer members with any questions regarding Branch policies and
7) submit a Branch Membership List Update to the State by April 1st
F. Director - Board substitutes shall:
1) be responsible for filling in and finding substitutes for any vacant Board member except for
President and Treasurer
2) help any Board member needing assistance
3) past President may be invited to become a Director
4) have served on the Board for at least two (2) years
1. Branch Program Chairmanships shall include:
Attendance, Achievement Award, Bach Festival, Certificate of Merit, Community Outreach, General
Recitals (each Recital has its own a Chair): October and January, Masterclass (Piano), Masterclass
(Strings), Spring Festival, Teacher Luncheons (each assigned individual Chairs): Xmas & End of
Year, Theme Recital, VOCE, Winterfest
2. Branch Program Chairs are appointed by the President to two-year terms. The term may be extended
on final year, at the discretion of the Branch Board. To ensure that terms of service start in the even-
numbered years, the following will apply:
a) If a program chair position is changed during the first year of the two-year term, the new chairʼs
time will count from the beginning of the term.,
b) If the chair is replaced during the second year of the term, that year shall not count as part of the
new chairʼs two-year term, since he or she is serving out of the previous chairʼs term.
1. The Chair is to carry out the program according to the Branch Program Guidelines. The Chair is not
allowed additions or amendments of the Guidelines without the President's or Board's approval.
2. The Chair has the authority to reject the applications that do not comply with the program Guidelines
and is not obligated to handle special scheduling needs requested by the teacher (with the exception
of siblings). Chair may comply at his/her own discretion, paying strict attention to program times.
3. If the programs exceed the maximum time allowed due to a large number of applicants, the Chair
has the right to filter the applications by the number of participants per teacher (maximum of 8
students per teacher) and also by the date when the applications were received.
4. The Chair is responsible for the individual student event chair's efficacy. In addition, the Chair will
provide a report at each Board and General Meeting on student event progress, success and/or
5. CM Co-Chair shall assist the CM Chair in order to assume the Chair's duties when needed and be able
to supply necessary CM information to the Board in the Chair's absence.
6. Since the Branch programs are the Diamond Bar Branch events, they should be run by only the
teacher members of the Diamond Bar Branch, not other personnel.
7. The Chair can appoint an Assistant Chair to help with the Chairʼs tasks.
8. Submit the following to the Secretary by the newsletter deadline (usually 1 month prior to
publication): Date of program, application deadline, fees, and rules.
9. Send email reminders to all Branch Members 11/2 months prior to the event of the program as well
as application deadlines.
10. Confirm and update the Vice-President regarding detailed information of the scheduled program at
least two (2) weeks prior to the event.
1. The Special Committees shall include:
Bylaws and Standing Rules (Operations & Procedures)
CM Committee
Any other committees deemed necessary by the Branch President with the approval of the Branch
Board of Directors
2. The President, with the approval of the Branch Board of Directors, shall establish committees to meet
the needs of the Branch.
a) The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee.
b) Such Committees cease to exist when their task is completed.
3. The Board of Directors shall prescribe duties of the Special Committee.
1. Nominating Committee shall be comprised of three Active Members including one past President. The
members of the Board of Directors cannot be the Nominating Committee.
2. A Nominating Committee member cannot be placed on the slate.
3. The Nominating Committee shall refer to Article IV (Board of Directors), Section 2 of the Branch
Bylaws and shall follow the correct procedures in their selection of the slate.
1. Any Branch teacher attending convention events must register.
2. All recitals and events are free for students through high school age and their non-MTAC member
relatives, with the exception of the Monday Night Artist Concert.
3. The Monday Night Artist Concert tickets, for those not registered, will be available at the convention
registration desk and at the door. The tickets are:
a) Adult - $25
b) College students and seniors - $15
c) High school and younger - free
4. The VOCE Recital, the Solo and Concerto Competitions, the Young Artist Guild Recital, the Young
Composers Guild Recital, and the Friends of Todayʼs Music Recital are open to the public without
1. In accordance with Article VII (Annual Meeting), Section 2, ʻEach Branch shall have representation at
the Annual Meeting of the Association by the official delegates, one delegate for each 25 (or fraction
thereof) Active Teacher members whose dues are current. Voting at the business meeting shall be by
delegate vote only. Any other Active Teacher member who dues are current may have a voice in the
discussions of the Association.
2. Delegates are required to attend as, representatives of the Branch, the Delegateʼs Meeting and the
Annual Business Meeting at the Convention, in order to properly participate in the delegateʼs voting.
3. Delegates are expected to attend an adequate amount of events held at convention (i.e.; lectures,
recitals, showcases, meetings, etc.) in order to provide a detailed report to the Branch Board and
General Members at the September meeting.
4. Delegates will provide a written report to the Board of Directors, no later than the September
meeting, and shall also submit a report to the Branch Secretary to compile in the Branch newsletter.
1. The Acting President will receive one full Convention Registration and an Awards banquet ticket, paid
for by the Branch. In addition, the President and CM Chair will also receive a Convention hotel allowance of
$250.00 and travel allowance of $150.00. The complimentary registration fee and allowances will be shared
equally in the case both Co-Chairs attend the Convention.
2. The Branch delegate will receive one full complimentary convention registration. The complimentary
registration fee (paid by the Branch) will be shared equally.
3. The acting Certificate of Merit Chair will receive a compensation of $2.00 per student registered (as
of October 31st) in the CM program. The Board of Directors shall prescribe specific procedures and
details regarding the disbursement of compensation fees towards the CM Chair.
1. If the Branch and/or members of the Branch report grievance issues to the State Board of Directors,
they are advised to follow these steps carefully:
a) Branches and/or members should make every effort to resolve grievances at the Branch level.
b) Branches may present a formal letter of complaint to the State Board of Directors, accompanied by
the affidavit documentation.
c) Grievance issues must be carefully documented and dated. Such documentation must be notarized
and be as specific as possible.
d) The State Board of Directors will proceed to comply with steps #4 and #5 of Section G (Grievance
Procedures) as listed in the “MTAC Organization Standing Rules and Operations.”
1. Expenditures to be reimbursed to any Branch member without prior approval of the Board with
receipt/invoice attached.
2. Receipts are reimbursable up to 90 days, with the exception of the end of the fiscal year.
1. These Standing Rules may be rewritten by the Board provided a notice of the changes be sent to the
Branch membership seven (7) days prior to the next Branch meeting and changes accepted by
majority of members at that meeting.
2. All other Standing Rules of the MTAC By-laws shall be applied to the Diamond Bar Branch Standing